Sunday 8 March 2015

045 'Bullseyes' let the fun really begin...

Just realised how little i know about bullseye calls and how to decyper them.Finding this little tool very useful


While this is all well and good. I still find it difficult, and here's another to find bullseye calls.

1. Make HSD SOI
2. Zoom to see the BULL.
3. Move the cursor close to the bull call, ussing the cardinaal indicator on the circle and the compass to help.
4. When the cursor is close enough, click the FZ button (OSB7). This freezes the HSD, with the cursor point in the center.
5. Maneuever to bring the radar cone over the centre, you may need to zoom out the FCR radar scan cone.
6. Make the FCR SOI, and move the cursor on it, so that it aligns with the HSD center.

Updated for BMS 4.33

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