Wednesday, 12 December 2012

042 'Easy CCRP'.....

Ok Video title says it all. CCRP with Autopilot.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

041 BMS Electronic Flight Bag

Just a couple of things i came across lately that may be of interest to you or not.

BMS Electronic Flight Bag is an App for Android and it has just about anything you need at hand with regards to procedures and frequencies. All the charts are in there and loads more. You can get it here

The other thing is a website where you can upload your logbook and it expands all the information into something more comprehensive than the one used in game. I have never bothered with the logbook and keeping stats on my career etc i usully just start a new one whenever i re-install the sim., until now. Just got my first promotion after flying this sim for well over 10 years. Now i will die a happy man. Anyway if that floats your boat you can upload it here. If nothing else it's a good place to send multiple logbooks for backup.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Thursday, 6 December 2012

039 A Bum Steer...

01-24 Target steerpoints (and waypoint steerpoints)
25 Bullseye
26-30 Mark Points (5)
31-50 Lines, (4 groups of 5 points)
56-70 Pre planned threats (15)
71-74 Incoming Mark points

2 files hold the DTE data,

Gets used in TE's. only contains Target SPs, LINES, PPT data.

gets used in campaigns (and TE's). Saves all the other DTE data, EWS, Mastermodes, Preset frequencies, + the Target SP.s, lines and PPT data for the campaign mission you are about to fly.
1. Only SP, Lines, PPT data can be transferred, and only for a TE.
2. All the other stuff is handled by the callsign.ini file, which cannot be passed on!
3. You only need to SAVE, if you have made any changes to the DTC data, either type.
4. Always hit save before leaving briefing.
5. Added items will appear in the pit, unless you have disabled the DTC auto load on RAMP, and you intend to do a ramp start, forcing you to load the DTC data from within the pit.

Friday, 23 November 2012

038 'Cold Turkey'

Well guys that's me. No gaming till me office is re-decorated. Still I will be back soon with a dual gtx670 in SLI mode. So even those very rainy, dull windy ILS approach's are gonna look silky smooth @6100x1200.

Ill try keep the server running, and if there's any requests, let me know here, and i'll try to accomodate them on the server. I keep a save most days, so i can restore some old saves if needed.

Server now running stable @3.95gHz.

Friday, 16 November 2012

037 OCA Strike

Jinef and I have been contributing to the campaign effort tonight. This is the mission de-brief. Naturally i was leading us in. :) The image is not blurry that's your old eyes.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

036 'A hunting we shall go'

Escort Mission, Campaign day 1.
11.04 Take off time
12.44 Touchdown

First BMS Campaign mission fully complete. Fairly uneventful. It was an escort 2 ship, so i decided to go wingman and let the AI show me the way. Had a Long trip east (170miles) from Kunsan, to intercept 4 b2b lancers, and another 50 into enemy territory north east to target, Choongwon They came out of Kadena Airbase off the east shore of south Korea. 

Take off was full ramp, and aligned not a second too soon, as we were queued in a long line to taxi. Lots of both out going and in coming traffic at Kunson, mostly A10, and F16 B50's stationed there. Following the caret, intercept was neat to see the lancers below. At the target site, did have a bit of action a group of mig 23's got airborne, but between me and lead, we dispatched them quickly. I splashed  3 with single missiles, using fox 3 and fox 1 close. Luckily it was quick, cause we had a long journey home and fuel needed to be managed.

Once they were disposed of, we headed back to the original intercept point, and said goodbye to the lancers. (what i didn’t realise was that they did no damage to their targets, which made the thing a waste of time).  I was empty on the outboard fuel tanks, so decided to ditch them, and joined my no1. At the airbase i got some atc instructions, but was behind lead, and think ATC kind of forgot about me. Perhaps I needed to follow Lead in. Will a little time left to call emergency, i grappled with the ILS, and input the frequency for Kunsan, and we were good to land. Still had 3k lbs on board.

I thoroughly enjoyed the sense of immersion with lots going on around, and was nearly taken by surprise when we encountered bogies. AI lead behaved, Strike group were disappointing. Server was solid, with no lag i could see, and though I had to kill BMS, due to ALT TAB bug at the end, i managed to get a briefing snap, and server kept up, and still runs. 

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

035 'Cherry poping'

Domestos A2A refuel first time with BMS. Caught on camera

Monday, 12 November 2012

034 'Quick off the Mark'

Mark points. 

  • Mark points occupy steer points 26-30 (so you only got 5!!) 
  • To slave sensors to a mark point it must be made the current steerpoint, by selecting from on the STPT page, or cycling the ICP Steerpoint rocker. 
  • New marks are stored in the next available steerpoint slots, and when they are all used up the slots are overwritten in sequence.
  • When you make a successful mark, it will show up as a large X on the HSD. 

To make mark points.

1. Click on the 'MARK' button on ICP one or more times to select the mark type (Overfly, FCR, HUD, TGP). 

2. Make sure AG mode is selected from ICP, 
3. press DMS UP, to make hud 'SOI' (you'll see a '*', top left if you done it right!)
4. use CURSOR CONTROL to move the cursor as desired.
5. TMS  UP, to slow the cursor for accuracy.
6. TMS UP again to create a MARK. 
7. TMS DOWN to return to boresight. (can be done after step 5 also, before a Mark point is made).

2. Make sure AG mode is selected from ICP
3. Make GM FCR the SOI with DMS (left generally)
4. Click the OSB 8 on the FCR mfd, to select SP mode.
5. TMS UP, to allow the cursor to be slewed.
6. Use PINKY to zoom in on the target (and gain if necessary)
7. With cursor over the target (and Mark FCR type selected from ICP), TMS UP to make a mark. 

2. Make sure AG mode is selected from the ICP
3. Make TGP SOI, with DMS (right generally). 
4. TMS DOWN, to boresight the sensor,
5. SLEW the cursor, and ground stabilise with TMS UP
6. Fine tune, with PINKY, and ANT (for zoom) 
7. TMS UP SHORT, to make the MARK.

2 . Make sure AG mode is selected from the ICP
3. When you are over the mark, click TMS UP

Video on this topic Incomming

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

032 'Out of harm's way'

Back in the saddle of the falcon, with a new rig, and a renewed vigor. Tried the HARM training mission, and some notes to self. Also ramp start off from Yechon, and navigated to the Range, deployed CBU's and durandals, back to homeplate. 

  1. Make sure you have a ‘HSD’ pod to use the HAD
  2. Change to AG mode from ICP
  3. SMS, switch the power of the AGM88 on.
  4. Change from SMS to the HAD page
  5. Change HAD to SOI,
  6. Use the cursor to change the HAD range.
  7. Keep the HSD page also available.
  8. Move the cursor over an Active or launching site (red or flashing red)
  9. TMS up long to ‘lock’ the seeker to the target
  10. Switch on the HMCS, to show the target site
  11. Wait till the target in in weapons range (hud circle flashes)
  12. Pickle, and declare ‘magnum’
  13. Trim the adverse roll
  14. Beam the target and wait. 
Returning home

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

031 If you find yourslf in a strange place...

If you land on an unknown airbase, and want to find the tower frequency, after landing,
make an OFLY MARK (overfly), and cross check the long/lat against your airbase kneeboard.

ICP MARK (press MARK again until the top line on the DED displays *OFLY*.
TMS UP short.
Read the Lat and Long from the DED.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Global ATO. Could be interesting.

029 "Out of Control ?"

This is an excellent little tool to help you see all your controllers.
Get it HERE. No install needed, just run the exe.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

028 Lets get LINKING

Here's the most important graphic for IDM.
Accessed with

To view flights, on HSD,
IFF OUT LONG.(mic switch left long).

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

027 Not More X-wind landings !!

Not meant as a 'show off vid' (as i did'nt include the 'crash and burn' or go arounds!). Just a medly of 'successful' touchdowns for reference. Think the second one is best, achieved with
1. touch down at 136.knots.
2. NW down at 115 knots.

Seems there's better straight line control before nose wheel is down. But as you can see its 'possible' to land under pretty poor alignment situations, once you don't panic at the end, and be prepared to 'go around'

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

026 “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”


This is the direction the wind is blowing to you 'FROM'
(if you were looking in that direction, it would blow in your face).

If your are close to a tower call 'TOWER WIND CHECK' (vac) or
T,4 keys.

025 My Pit

This is my set up i have had going for a few days now with BMS. I got the ICP working very nicely now in game. It's on a Mimo touchscreen and i use the software Helios to add the functionality etc. All the MFD'S work great and i have all the switches on the Warthog set to make Ramp Starts a lot easier cutting down using the mouse.

024 The CAT's out of the bag....

"With the STORES CONFIG switch in CAT I, it's very simple. G is limited to 9, and AOA is limited to 25'. But with the switch in CAT III, the behavior changes. At very low speeds (100 knots) AOA is limited to 7'. As airspeed increases, so does the maximum AOA until you get 15' at 420 knots. 9 g is available at AOA lower than 15'. So, if you go fast enough, you can pull 9 g in CAT III. In fact it's pretty easy to do. "

From post here

CAT III with A/G stores or external tanks
CAT I with A/A stores or clean aircraft.

Not to be confused with the CAT ILS categories for runways, as described here

023 Where's KOTAR ?

ICP 370 8600 (north coord)  ENTER
ICP 1302 0810 (east coord) ENTER
Look at your HSI BPN (bearing point needle) or HUD SP tadpole , turn to it.
Hud will display distance to ST 15.

Monday, 9 January 2012

022 Post Your High Scores

You get unlimited weapons obviously, but limited countermeasures and fuel.

Mine is 89,625 :)

Sunday, 8 January 2012

021 ILS Procedure Approach

I have annotated Red Dog's ILS approach plate for Yechon, you can get it below. Also included the airport chart.

Yechon ILS Procedure.PDF

Also lots of good stuff about the range here. 

Note that the co-ords are available there for all objects on the range, enabling you to set them as a waypoint, then practice ccrp or sensor bombing!!.

Friday, 6 January 2012

020 Backup your controller config

Below is a list of files which you should back up, once you have got a stable and satisfactory setup.

All files in


axismapping.dat  : Your controller mappings. Most likely to be reset by game : keeps the joystick setting, AB, Idle etc.
dx9display.dsp : Keeps you screen res, and maybe some graphics settings.
phonebkn.ini : Keeps the list of your mp client/server connections.

Sometimes its a good idea, to just create an RAR (or ZIP) of the full BMS folder, and keep as a backup, if you can afford the space. (Current version zips to 900mb).

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

019 How i would like to fly BMS...

Here's the way i would like to fly BMS with Zeus....
(I would expect this to change when we start using IVC).

  1. Mission is agreed at least 30mins in advance (to allow people to get their shit together). 
  2. Everyone knows the home plate details, tcn Ils, taxiways, frequencies. 
  3. Training missions or dogfight FonF don't have to have ramp start, but adequate time for fence checks if appropriate.
  4. Training missions focus on a single objective. e.g, refuelling, or cross wind ils, or ccip bombing, 
  5. Proper missions, either TE or Campaign, to be run from ramp, with adequate briefing discussion time, and time to setup targets frequencies, tactics etc. 
  6. Proper missions, require piilots to b faimliar with the Aircraft ,mission task and weapons they choose.
  7. Ordinance to be agreed, and only flight lead to change ordinance (to avoid synch issues). 
  8. Ordinance must be able to achieve the mission objectives. 
  9. everyone must have their stuff checked before the mission (set-up controls, and comms). The training take off te is good, cause you can test rudder and brakes. 
  10. Mission objectives are the priority  for proper missions. 
  11. Joining in game will not be permitted. (since its likely you won't have a clue as to what the mission or plan is.). 
  12. Anyone prepared to fly, should have enough time to complete it. Mission completion will be landing at home plate, or alternative if bingo fuel. 
  13. And for everything else, there's IL2......

Be interested in your view, and happy to discuss.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

018 Use autopilot to follow waypoints.

First, change the waypoints to 'auto'.
2. DCS, right. (DED displays 'Auto' for waypoints)

Then configure the autopilot
3. Left switch to STRG SEL.
4. Right switch to PITCH HOLD